“The Aryan’s respect for tradition and heritage is what ensures the continuity and strength of his civilization, allowing it to endure through the ages.”
—Adolf Hitler, Table Talk
It was the 19th-century scholar Charles Morris who wrote in his book The Aryan Race: Its Origins and Achievements (1888):
Somewhere, no man can say just where; at some time, it is equally impossible to say when,—there dwelt in Europe or Asia a most remarkable tribe or family of mankind. Where or when this was we shall never clearly know. No history mentions their name or gives a hint of their existence; no legend or tradition has floated down to us from that vanished realm of life. Not a monument remains that we can distinguish as reared by the hands of this people; not even the grave of one of its members can be traced. Flourishing civilizations were even then in existence; Egypt and China were already the seats of busy life and active thought. Yet no prophet of these nations saw the cloud on the sky of the size of man’s hand,—a cloud destined to grow until its mighty shadow should cover the whole face of the earth. As yet the fathers of the Aryan race dwelt in unconsidered barbarism, living their simple lives and thinking their simple thoughts, of no more apparent importance than hundreds of other primeval tribes, and doubtless undreaming of the grand part they were yet to play in the drama of human history.
Charles Morris understood our race’s beginnings inaccurately, portraying the Aryans as skilled hunters and violent, war-mongering tribal cultures only. In his comments, Mr. Morris is inclined to describe our forefathers as wonderful savages or, at best, educated barbarians who somehow found themselves on the path of history without their being aware. Such ideas, in my opinion, represent a terrible misunderstanding of who we are as a European species.
Our predecessors’ degree of progress and sheer talent, particularly during the terrible era of the Ice Ages, demonstrates that we were much more than dispersed bands of roving blond, fair-skinned people that had just lately emerged from the caves. The Aryan race, which, in its most primitive stages, had already advanced to become the father of far greater civilizations such as the Egyptians, Sumerians, Chinese, and those of the Indus Valley, had deep roots that point to an ancient society of great sophistication and progress. This author argues that the Aryan race has a rich history that points to an ancient culture that was both racially pure and culturally and morally superior to any other civilization at the time.
For thousands of years, before the first Germanic peoples appeared in history, the core Nordic Aryan peoples thrived in Eastern Europe and the northern Germanic Plain. This occurred before the first race of Germanic-speaking people arrived, and it persisted throughout their formative era. The evolution of these peoples was critical to not only the earliest Germans but also the Celts, Slavs, Balts, and Finns, as well as the entire multitude of advanced northern peoples who, despite their differences, shared strong cultural and linguistic ties and a common bloodline that was difficult to dismiss. Only current genetics has shown the scope of this broad Aryan brotherhood of nations, as well as their degree of relationship.
According to scholar Hans Friedrich Blunk, the Neolithic Age, which spans a period in Nordic Europe between 3000 and 1800 years Before the Common Era (BCE), was the period during which our land had its first period of the great flowering of Aryan civilization. During this period, the construction of the gigantic cemeteries in the North—northern Germany, Scandinavia, Poland, and Northwestern Russia—begins, first in a clumsy manner, then with a higher level of artistic skill. During this period, two groups of people came together, and Germandom emerged: the stone monument peasants, or Megalithenvolker which we also see in Great Britain and Ireland as the builders of such structures as Stonehenge in England, and Newgrange in County Meath Ireland, and the war axemen, or Streitaxevolker, who would later become identified with the Germanic gods known as the Aesir and with the incoming Corded Ware or Aryan peoples.
These ingenious folk devised the war chariot and brought it to the Near East, Old Persia, and India. We might identify this same latter group of proto-Germanics as the Hyksos described in ancient Egyptian chronicles as the great conquerors, of the Middle Kingdom, who brought them advanced chariot technology and the composite bow, as well as the loom.
At this juncture several ancient Aryan peoples made themselves known throughout the ancient pre-Islamic Middle East. Around 1500 BCE, a blond, blue-eyed race of Libyans appeared in Egyptian statues. Such artwork grew in dominance and seems to indicate a growing Nordic population within Libya, Egypt, and North Africa. It is unknown where these blonds originated from or how they ended up in Libya; however, it is worth noting that blond Berbers may still be seen in North Africa’s Atlas Mountains. However, they are most likely more recent migrants from the north.
(Grant 1933)
Around 1800 BCE, signs of Nordic infiltration arose among the Hittites. The Hittites were already Indo-European-speaking, and the further influx of Nordic blood just amplified their racial superiority. These Nordic invaders eventually reached Mesopotamia under the names Mitannni and Kassites; however, it is possible that they were just the governing classes of these peoples. In documented history, the Nordics were originally referred to as Achaeans. In 1400 or 1500 BCE, they invaded Greece and Phrygia, arriving from the north via the Dacian Plains. (Grant 1933)
Around 1200 or 1300 BCE, a Nordic population, the Osco-Umbrians, swept down from the northeast into Italy. They were related to the Achaeans and the forefathers of the Latin tribes, including the early Romans. The aboriginal Mediterraneans were forced into southern Italy, where they still live in Calabria and Apulia. The divide between the peoples of North and South Italy is still stark. (Grant 1933) The Continental Nordics, or Celtic tribes, invaded Gaul in the ninth century BCE They went through South Germany, as shown by the place names. Except for Aquitania in the southwest, Gaul as a whole was swamped. (Grant 1933)
It was also during this period that the Germanic peoples were quickly spreading over the continent, and it is with these people, their religion, cultural customs, and history that we begin this piece. As a result of their strong connection to their Aryan heritage, the ancient Germans emerged as the saviors of Europe, particularly after the collapse of the Roman Empire which, contrary to popular belief, they did not cause but rather took advantage of an already decrepit Christian society that was a mere shadow of its former greatness.
The Truth About Germanic Man
German author Theodor Korner writes in his 1941 historical and political pamphlet intended for inductees into the SS, The First Germanic Millennium:
The first millennium after Christ is dominated by Europe’s complete reorganization in the folkish and political sense. Germanic man played the decisive role, both actively and passively. The struggle between both of Europe’s great powers, the Roman Empire and the great Germanic folk lasted about four centuries. When the battlefront—which stretched from the North Sea along the Rhine and then along the fortified Roman line, the Limes, following the Danube to the Black Sea collapsed and the Germanic tribes flooded into the Roman empire, this— the historic folk wandering — was only the result of a long development.
A Recent Discovery of the Early Germanic Peoples
Recent archaeological excavations north of Berlin have uncovered a Germanic banquet hall from the Migration Era, providing a wealth of information on that period’s social and cultural dynamics. This incredible site, dated to the 5th century AD, sheds light on the lives of the Germanic tribes living in this area during this turbulent time.
In the middle of the verdant German countryside, you can now see the excavated remains of the feasting hall, a monument to the importance of community meals in Germanic culture. The hall, which would have been the site of many political, religious, and social gatherings, would have measured an astounding 40 meters in length and included elaborately carved wooden beams.
One of the most astonishing features of this find is the banquet hall’s enormous size. Because of its massive proportions, it was not meant for small, private parties but for enormous, public events. According to historical sources, chieftains in Germany would give extravagant feasts to display their wealth and power, and this fits in with that idea.
The hall’s design also reveals much about the Germanic peoples’ engineering and craftsmanship abilities. Symbolism and artistic expression abound in this civilization, as shown in the elaborately carved wooden beams decorated with geometric patterns and mythological motifs. Each sculpture probably had profound meaning as a visual embodiment of the tribe’s identity, values, and beliefs.
Objects found within the banquet hall provide additional information about the material culture of the Germanic tribes. Artifacts such as drinking horns, animal bones, and ceramic bowls indicate that food and drink were important components of social events. Ritualistic ceremonies, music, and storytelling would have accompanied feasts to strengthen social ties and the hierarchical order of Germanic culture.
The feasting hall’s location is also important because it is close to other Germanic-related archaeological sites. This provides more evidence that the region may have been an important meeting place for many groups and cultures, a center for commerce and exchange.
Finding the feasting hall also casts doubt on the common perception of the Migration Era as a time of anarchy and disarray. Even though this period was marked by political unrest and massive migrations, such monumental buildings betray an underappreciated degree of social cohesion and cultural refinement.
Archaeologists have reached a watershed moment when they found the Germanic banquet hall. Along with challenging our knowledge of this critical moment in history, it offers unique insights into the lifestyles of the Germanic tribes who lived in the area over a thousand years ago. More investigation and excavations will reveal many more mysteries concealed within the ancient walls of this extraordinary building.
Myth and Legend
The above-mentioned banquet hall, no doubt was also the site of certain religious practices related to ancient Germany’s pre-Christian faith. That religion, or mythology as it can be called, is very specific. Northern Europe’s early beliefs comprise a rich and terrifying mythical legacy that includes a plethora of magical and mysterious beings in addition to giants. The ancient Norse classified the world’s peoples into three categories:
- Civilized people
- Barbarians (such as the Nordic peoples)
- Sub-humans (such as the Skraelings or indigenous peoples of North America and Africa)
While genetic evidence indicates the Viking lifestyle was multicultural and multiethnic, it was only so in terms of European cultures and ethnicities. In such cases, Welsh, Irish, French, German, Slavic, Finnish, etc would join the Viking raiders and adopt their culture and way of life. This was a very common practice, and such White Aryan diversity is prevalent in DNA samples taken from Medieval burial sites. So although genetically they may have been Celtic, for instance, they were without a doubt still white Northern Europeans. Modern left-wing academics often twist this truth to suggest black Africans or East Asians were among the cultures that were included within the Nordic ranks, and this is ludicrous and a purposefully and politically motivated distortion. There is no truth to it at all.
When the Vikings first arrived in a region, they took their swords and battle axes. They tested them on anyone they encountered to see if they could be killed and thus were human or if they were invincible, implying they were giants or members of one of the many magical races and, therefore, immortal. True Norse people, had a mystical and magical way they viewed the world and accepted that this world was haunted in a sense by otherworldly powers.
The magical races include orc-like beings, trolls, elves, half-gods, and, of course, giants. These animals were remarkably similar to those described by the great novelist J. R. R. Tolkien discussed in The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings. To understand Norse mythology, we must first understand its roots. According to the late nineteenth and early twentieth-century writer Donald A. Mackenzie, Celtic and Teutonic (Norse) mythology share significant similarities. “It would appear,” he says, “that archaic giant lore is pre-Celtic and pre-Teutonic, implying a common inheritance. Ancient ethnic battles echo in the wars of the Olympians and Titans, the Irish Danann gods and the Fomorachs, and the Aesir and Jotuns of the Germanic and Scandinavian North. The ancient tribal peoples attributed their victories to their gods and regarded their battles as battles between warring gods. These giants also possess godlike qualities but are archaic. In Scotland, some of them tie in with family and tribal fortunes. On the other hand, gods are merely exalted giants; the rowdy Olympians find their counterpart in the boisterous Scandinavian Jotuns rather than the more refined Aesir and Vanir.” (Mackenzie 1912)
Odin, the Norse gods’ king and the Germanic version of Jupiter is a one-eyed giant; he sacrificed his eye to Mimir’s pool in exchange for the Jotuns’ gift of divine prediction. Odin is also known as the wind god or the Wild Huntsman. Odin’s son, Thor, was formerly an oak deity. The sacred tree of Odin in northern Germany was a thousand-year-old oak when Christian soldiers destroyed it. The heroes of Teutonic civilization were firm in their determination not to be outdone by the various giants they constantly faced. Mackenzie wrote:
When storytellers glorified the tribal heroes of northern peoples, they were invariably depicted as giant killers.” (Mackenzie 1912) In The History of the Kings of Britain, Geoffrey of Monmouth describes the battle between the giant-killer Corineus and the most dreaded of all giants, the diabolical Goemagot: “At the beginning of the encounter, Corineus and the giant, standing, front to front, held each other strongly in their arms, and panted aloud for breath, Corineus, enraged, roused by his whole strength and snatching him upon his shoulders, ran with him as fast as the weight would allow him to the next shore, and there, getting upon the top of the high rock, hurled down the savage monster into the sea; where falling on the sides of the craggy rocks, he was torn to pieces and colored the waves crimson with his blood.” (Geoffrey and Thorpe 1966).
The Nibelungenlied contains further examples of giant slayers, including the strong Aryan warrior Siegfried and Dietrich of Bern’s Thunor figure. Both are legendary and have become essential to Teutonic mythology and modern interpretation. They are so inspiring that Richard Wagner used them in his pagan operas.
Donald A. Mackenzie’s 1912 book, Teutonic Myth and Legend, features a bold reinterpretation of ancient German myths. Recalling the oldest Norse accounts, he narrates in detail the events that triggered the creation of life, including the birth of giants, gods, and humans and the formation of the nine planets. The Eddas describe the world’s creation in the following manner:
When nothing else existed, there yawned in space a vast and empty abyss known as Ginnunga-gap. It was long, comprehensive, and deep beyond human understanding. There was no shore or cooling wave because there was no sea, and the Earth and sky had not yet been created. It all started in the Gulf. There, time began to dawn. Nifelheim, the vast house of misty darkness and chilling cold, is North of the Gulf, while Muspelheim, the bright home of warmth and light, is to the south. The big fountain erupted in the center of Nifelheim, from which all waters flow and to which they return. It is known as Hvergelmer, “the roaring cauldron,” and twelve massive rivers called Elivagar flowed from it at first, washing southwards toward the Gulf. They traveled a long distance from their source, and the poison that accompanied them began solidifying, like dross flowing from a surface, until it thickened and formed ice. The rivers were silent and stopped moving, and massive slabs of ice stood motionless. Vapor emerged from the ice venom and was frozen to rime, stacking up in fantastic shapes one on top of the other. The northern half of the Gulf was a place of terror and turmoil.
Heavy black vapor covered the ice, revealing roaring whirlwinds and desolate banks of transient mist. However, Muspelheim shone brightly to the south. Muspelheim is also associated with Surtur, a mighty fire giant who wielded a blazing sword to protect the entrance to the world of fire. Sparks, possibly from Surtur’s sword, reached the land of darkness and harsh cold. Droplets of wetness began to fall off the ice. The first being emerged from a frozen cocoon made of hoarfrost and rime. It started as dark and formless but eventually solidified into something more humanlike. At that moment, the frost giant Ymir stood upright for the first time, surveying his new territory. Ymir was known as a Hrim-thurs, or ice monster, representing the frozen ocean (Guerber, 1909).
While scanning his realm, Ymir noticed the bloated, voluptuous cow Audhumbla licking her way through one of the many melting icebergs of hoarfrost and rime. Ymir approached her and discovered fresh, white milk gushing from her teats. Kneeling beside her, he drank the thick, frothy milk, letting it replenish and energize his body. He then wiped the phlegm from his lips and let forth an echoing belch that resounded throughout the ice field. Audhumbla then licked the large slabs of rime around her until another entity, Buri, a god known as “the producer,” appeared from the ice. According to Icelandic mythology, Buri was a fully developed divinity, the first of his type. After the vast cow engaged Ymir, the mighty ice giant fell asleep. While he slept, a son and daughter were born from the sweat beneath his armpits. Thrud, the six-headed giant, was born from his feet, and Bergelmir, the ancestor of all subsequent ice giants, followed suit. Buri created a son named Borr instantly, without the use of sexual reproduction, in the same way as Ymir produced his first descendants. When the giants learned of the new deities’ presence, they wage war against them. This turned into a protracted battle with no end in sight—at least until Borr married the giantess Bestla, the giant Bolthorn’s daughter. Bestla gave Borr three sons: Odin, Vili, and Ve, the first member of the Aesir clan. Because Odin and the Aesir sprung from the giant Bolthorn’s daughter, it is apparent that the gods had giant-like genetics and physical appearances. Odin, Vili, and Ve devised a terrible plan to end the unending conflict between the gods and the giants. They ultimately planned to ambush and murder Ymir. When they slit his throat, in another allusion to the Great Flood, a torrent of blood poured out, drowning the majority of the giants. Bergelmir and his wife escaped aboard a boat and established a new kingdom named Jotunheim. Midgard, the world we know today, was formed from Ymir’s corpse. His salty, watery blood was transformed into oceans, rivers, and lakes; his flesh became Earth; his bones into rocks and mountains; his hair into forests; and the maggots from his stomach into dwarves. When the first giant, Ymir, sank on the ice ground, drowning his progeny in his blood, a chain of events began that would eventually seal the fate of the cosmos.
Twilight of the Gods: The Coming of Ragnarok
Teutonic mythology, unlike most other Western myths, provides a captivating and rather bizarre eschatology. This portrayal of the end of the world is comparable in vivid detail to the dreadful visions of the Christian judgment day and Saturnine sermons on the Second Coming.
This ancient Germanic myth predicts a final, great battle between the forces of good and evil, in which the gods of Asgard (the countryside surrounding Valhalla and the resting place of the slain) will perish and a maelstrom of steel and fire will consume the world. Many frightening omens will precede that dark hour. First, a severe cold will come over the world, followed by a catastrophic winter that will endure three interminable and difficult years. Humans will commit unbearable acts of murder, rape, incest, and treachery, rupturing the links of brotherhood and kinship among men and igniting a worldwide battle across the planet.
A huge wolf named Fenrir, son of Loki (the Nordic god of war, wickedness, and discord), will imprison the sun, causing it to fade and pale until swallowing it completely. As he approaches, he will devour the moon, forcing the stars to fall from the sky and crash to the ground. Finally, with his jaws open, he will bridge the gap between the firmament and the atmosphere.
The mountains will crumble into fragments as the whole world quakes and shutters in a massive bedlam of molten lava. The Serpent of the World will rise from the sea, spewing poison throughout the country, while Loki, chained and gagged for eons, will break free from his chains and ruin everything, freeing horrible beasts from their bindings and instructing them to loot the whole world. Nagflar, a boat constructed of the dead’s fingernails and piloted by Loki, would traverse the world’s seas, bringing evil giants to remote locations and calling primordial floods to rise and flood the earth.
Surt, the fire giant, and his numerous followers would emerge from Muspelheim (a fiery region between earth and sky that helped create the universe) with blood axes and magical swords, intent on assaulting and slaying the gods and goddesses of Asgard and Valhalla. Surt’s armies will finally join the gods, witnessing them crumble under their steeds’ hooves.
Then, as the giants storm the gates and the Twilight of the Gods approaches, the supernatural armies will meet on the vast plain known as Vigrid, where the Ragnorak, the “eve of destruction,” the final battle between good and evil, will take place, and the gods will fall to their knees in a blaze of enormous intensity. The raging waves will cover the whole cosmos, causing all the gods to perish, leaving only Surt to burn the heavens and earth to ashes.
Despite the catastrophe, hope remains: the sons of the old gods will survive, and Balder, the Germanic god of purity and justice, will reincarnate and reign alongside the remaining gods, aiding them in establishing a new race of divinities to govern a newly purified and rejuvenated universe. The earth will emerge from the ashes, new, fresh, and fruitful, more beautiful and resilient than ever before. A man and a woman who sought refuge from the Holocaust under Yggdrasil, the World Tree, will tame and populate the new planet. Over the blue sky, a new sun, brighter and more beautiful than its predecessor, will shine, illuminating the midnight skies like never before. The new cosmos, free of apostasy and corruption, will last for all eternity.
The Men of the North
Those were some of the earliest myths of the ancient Norsemen and a summation of their belief in gods and giants. But there is much more to the story of the ancient Northern Aryans than just their unique mythology.
In 600 BCE, the Greek lyric poet Alcaeus created a series of narratives about a substantial northern empire well beyond the Germani and Keltoi territories. Others argue that the human race evolved separately in the Arctic. If proved correct, this would contradict all we have learned about human evolution. Traditional texts dating back to the first millennium BCE depict a civilization that existed when the Arctic region was favorable for human settlement (Godwin 1993, 14).
More recently, author Robert Scrutton published his collections of speculative manuscripts, The Other Atlantis and Secrets of Lost Atland, to support his theory of a “proto-Viking Atlantis located in the North Sea” (Childress 1996, Kindle File). In Secrets of Lost Atland, he explains the wisdom of the ancients with extraordinary detail, explaining that the central thrust of the prehistoric technological civilization was a “coordinated system” of “psycho-electric science or cosmology” used worldwide. According to Scrutton, the most common evidence for such a system is found in “stone circles, artificial hills, sacred sites, meditation chambers, and altars.” These were linked by ley lines and underground streams, forming an energy network that encircled the planet (Childress 1996).
John Michell, a genius in alternative studies, agrees with Scrutton. Michell’s work could be considered an epilogue to this carefully researched subject. Michell made the following comments in 1998 near the great stone circle of Avebury, England, during an interview with Douglas Kenyon for an Atlantis Rising video presentation called “English Sacred Sites: The Atlantis Connection.” The period he was discussing was the late Neolithic Age, which was the period of the Old European civilization. The Beaker Folk prevailed in Britain, followed by the Wessex culture: “[Avebury] was the great center; the land was very sacred. It was solely farmed for high priests and festival attendees. There were tribes or countries in charge of organizing the games and protecting the sanctuary’s rites. When you look at this land, you will notice that it is wholly ritualized and complete with monuments.” (Kenyon 1998)
Michell believed that Avebury, Stonehenge, and the other megalithic monuments in southern England were great ceremonial centers for religious and spiritual activity. Busty Taylor, a researcher, aviator, and photographer, also participated in the film, and he has dedicated his life to documenting and discovering similarities between ley lines and the modern phenomena of crop circles. Taylor and Kenyon believe that many stone circles seen throughout the English countryside were erected on and around ancient crop circles. According to Kenyon, many churches now visible in the region were constructed on sites “revered” by the ancient inhabitants, implying that a far older order of civilization formerly governed Europe.
Scrutton’s principal source for his claim on a proto-Viking Atlantis in the North Sea is a Dutch document known as the Oera Linda Book. It has been hailed as “the oldest book in the world,” and several authors believe it provides the key to the Atlantis mystery (Childress 1996). Although the book is contentious, and some consider it a recent work of fiction, others believe it is a beneficial source from the past.
According to one version, in February 1871, the year Germany was unified for the first time, a Frisian antiquarian discovered the Oera Linda book. It had been in his family’s possession “for generations” and was “handed down from father to son as a holy obligation” (Childress 1996). Scholars were impressed that it appeared to be written in an unfamiliar language. This enigma was quickly solved when it was discovered that the script was an archaic form of Frisian. Scrutton describes northern Atlantis, citing the Oera Linda Book:
A vast, semi-circular landmass resembling a silhouette halo surrounding the North and east of the British Isles existed contemporaneously with the rumored Atlantis. It outlasted the traditional Atlantis by many thousands of years. Its name was Atland, and there are grounds to believe that Atland was the prototype of the Hyperborean tradition. Despite its location between the storm-ravaged Hebrides and Greenland’s permafrost, Atland was far from destitute. On the contrary, its climate was subtropical, providing abundant everything required for a complete and happy human life. …In the year 2193 BCE, Earth experienced a cosmic disaster, possibly due to an imbalance suggested by Immanuel Velikovsky. ..Perhaps an asteroid collided with Earth. At any rate, according to descriptions in the Oera Linda Book, something consistent with the tilting of the Earth’s axis occurred, followed by a climate change of overwhelming severity within three days. Atland was flooded, and her past is lost. ..or nearly so (Scrutton 1978: 1-4).
According to the Oera Linda Book, the Islanders were nautical explorers who explored the world’s oceans, including the Mediterranean. They created colonies across Scandinavia, northern and southern Europe, Africa, and Greece (Childress 1996). Unlike Hancock, who places the great flood between 13,000 and 10,000 BCE, Robert Scrutton based his chronology on the Oera Linda Book and dates it to 2193 BCE. At this time, Atlantic tidal waves engulfed the continent of Atland and crashed into the Mediterranean. This gave rise to what Scrutton refers to as the “myth” of Noah’s Ark at Mount Ararat (Childress 1996).
William Barnes, an English polymath and mathematician, believed that the Oera Linda Book was a hoax, using the Germanicus of Publius Cornelius Tacitus as evidence. Warren Smith, however, later proved the authenticity of the book and conducted extensive research regarding this ancient narrative. The text begins with “How the Bad Days Came,” which tells the story of the genesis of the Frisian race on a large island in the North Sea. After World War I, North Sea archaeology remained mostly unexplored. In 1931, a human-modified barbed antler point was discovered by the British trawler Colinda, which led to the discovery of what some consider the true Northern Atlantis or Ultima Thule. Albert Herrmann, a German Oriental Society language professor, became the University of Berlin’s Chair of Historical Geography in 1923. His book, Our Ancestors and the Atlanteans: Nordic Seamanship from Scandinavia to North Africa asserted that contemporary Frisians are the direct descendants of Atlantis, which he connected with the island of Heligoland. This led to the publication of Our Ancestors and the Atlanteans, which became one of the most popular publications by the newly formed Third Reich. Albert Hermann was undoubtedly the Graham Hancock of his day.
The theories carried considerable weight in the German press due to Herrmann’s position within the German National Socialist Party (NSDAP). This led to numerous magazine articles and new books addressing the controversy, including Riddle Solved: History of the Edda, Atlantis, and the Bible, and Prehistory of the Atlantean Nordic Race, and Dr. Hermann Wirth’s book, The Progress of Mankind.
Academics and scientists from various fields, including oceanographers and anthropologists, gathered in a state-sponsored group to study and preserve the human race’s racial heritage and Aryan roots. They, along with colleague Jürgen Spanuth, persuaded the Ahnenerbe to begin archaeological research on the North Sea floor. Spanuth received the “Eastern March” award in 1938 for his efforts in Austrian reunification with Germany. In 1943, Peter Wiepert, a local historian for the publishing firm owned by Himmler’s Ahnenerbe, led the team in finding, photographing, and filming a partially collapsed crescent-shaped vertical formation off southwestern Heligoland. This had remarkable similarities to the Yonaguni monument found off the coast of Japan. After the German Wehrmacht fell apart in 1949, Wiepert was detained and subjected to “de-Nazification” or brain-washing. Since Wiepert’s dive in 1943, no one has ventured into the North Sea to search for ancient artifacts. Hermann Wirth, a German Army field curate, was held in captivity for two years without charging him, subjecting him to psychological abuse. After his release, Wirth became an important reference author for women’s rights and the spiritual women’s movement. Spanuth participated in the Ardennes Offensive in 1944 and used the newly available SCUBA (Self-Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus) to conduct submerged explorations of the waters around Heligoland.
The Hyperborean Tradition
Although Scrutton speculated before that Atland was the template of the Hyperborean tradition, the current Hyperborean tales were founded on the Eastern concept of racial purity. While biblical tradition holds that all humans descended from Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden and later from Noah and his sons, Eastern philosophy frequently references root races and the independent evolution of all sentient beings. This Eastern mystique allowed the “Western imagination to entertain so different a view of human origins,” particularly the Hyperborean, Lemurian, and Atlantean theories, as well as those of Ignatius Donnelly, Helena Petrova Blavatsky, Edgar Cayce, and others. This transfusion of Eastern ideas began with Jesuit missionaries such as Pere Amiot.
The myths of Hyperborea and northern Atlantis of the Celts, Germans, Norse, Slavs, Balts, and Finns contain similarities and may be related. In the eighteenth century, this north monarchy was connected with a distinct “Germanic Atlantis,” from which enormous marine fleets departed for trade, conquest, and settlement. Some believe that the primary migrations of early civilization started there. Contrary to conventional perceptions of ancient Germans as wild barbarians, some argue that they maintained a vast and sophisticated Nordic culture before the Christian Romans purposefully destroyed it, erasing all traces of its existence. The seers of those forgotten days painted the chronicle of Germanic history on the grandest scale possible, visions of a dark, spiritual realm lighted from above by three suns and inhabited by giants, gods, and monsters (Goodrick-Clarke 1992).
This culture, founded on Teutonic pagan tribalism and administered by sacred kingship, lasted until the end of the fourth Cataclysmic Age, circa 11,000 BCE (roughly based on Howard’s terminology). The ruins of that civilization are spread over Europe and Asia. Their expertise was passed down through the oral traditions of the vanquished peoples and their successors in the places they colonized. Europe and India were the most prosperous centers of Aryan culture that survived the Cataclysmic Age.
The Aryan culture included the tall, blond, and fair-skinned progenitors of today’s northwest population and partial forebears from much of modern Europe and Asia. Contrary to the opponents of the twentieth-century National Socialist movement, the Aryans were real, ancient people with a rich archaeological and mythological legacy. This race, descended from Hyperborean culture, initially fled Tibet’s hills and mountains before migrating back to Central Europe. Among the Hindus, descendants of the great Aryan invasion, the Rig Veda and Upanishads are remnants of that race. These books, written by members of this elite warrior class, describe the purest strain of the Aryan race, which had conquered most of India and preserved its culture through the rigorous caste system.
Thule and Ancient Aryans
When Hitler designed a counterclockwise swastika as his emblem, he claimed it depicted how the majestic Nordic sun appeared to the ancient Aryans on their northern continent of Thule as it spiraled around the sky. As previously stated, Thule is another name for the Northern Atlantis, also known as Hyperborea, Arktos, and the Celtic Tir na n’Og. Thule is the ancestral abode of the vanished Aryan race. Alfred Rosenberg, a German National Socialist, was one of many who advocated for an Aryan homeland in the North. He was a Baltic citizen who fled the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917 by moving to Germany (Shirer 2008).
The concept of Thule resonated with many Europeans, particularly Germans and English, who were prideful of their inherent racial superiority. Rosenberg wrote extensively about a northern Atlantis and offered the following thoughts about the lost land of Thule:
Historical visions can now see further back in time than was previously possible. The monuments of all peoples are now stretched out before us; excavations of the very oldest pictorial art allow for a comparison of cultural driving factors; mythologies from Iceland to Polynesia have been collected; and the Mayans’ treasures have been unearthed in large part. Furthermore, current geology allows us to create maps depicting events from tens of thousands of years ago. Underwater investigation has uncovered substantial quantities of lava from the depths of the Atlantic Ocean, the peaks of abruptly submerged mountains in whose valleys societies previously thrived until one—or many—terrible disasters killed them. Geographers portray continental masses that span North America and Europe, with shards visible in Iceland and Greenland. On Novaya Zemyla, in one location of the extreme North, old water lines are discovered more than 100 meters above the current ones. These findings indicate that the North Pole has migrated and that a considerably milder climate once existed in the Arctic. Overall, the old legends of Atlantis may take on a new light.
It appears far from implausible that a flourishing continent once rose above the Atlantic waves and massive icebergs and that a creative race built a far-reaching culture on it and sent its progeny out into the world as seafarers and warriors. Even if the Atlantis idea fails, an ancient Nordic cultural center must be assumed. We have long been compelled to renounce the assumption that stories, art, and religious forms originated from the same people.
On the contrary, the highly supported evidence of Sagas frequently passing from person to person and establishing roots in many distinct cultures demonstrates that most basic myths have a fixed point of radiation—their site of origin. Thus, their external appearance can only be understood in terms of a wholly unique point of origin, and race migrations become a certainty in the most primordial eras.
With all of its implications, the solar myth did not emerge spontaneously as a stage of general evolution, but rather where the sun’s emergence must have been a cosmic event of profound significance, namely in the far North. Only there would the year be starkly split into two halves, and the sun would represent a certainty in man’s innermost being of the world’s life-giving, essential creative element. So today, the lone derived hypothesis becomes a probability, namely that from a northern center of creation, which, without assuming an actual submerged Atlantic continent, we may call Thule, swarms of warriors once fanned out in obedience to the ever-renewing and inaccurate Nordic longing for distance to conquer and space to shape. It may still need to be determined where the Nordic race’s initial home is. Many elements still need to be determined..However, regardless of the outcome of further investigations, one significant fact remains unchallenged: the race that provides the “meaning of world history” originated in the North and spread from there throughout the Earth; it was a blue-eyed, fair-haired race that formed the spiritual features of the world in several great waves—even where the race itself was doomed. These migration periods are known as: the march of the Atlantic people—around which the ancient traditions sprang up—through North Africa; the migration of the Aryans to Persia and India, followed by Dorics, Macedonians, and Latins; the migration of the Germanic peoples; and the West’s colonization of the world under dominant Germanic influence.
For centuries, we humans have speculated about the existence of lost realms far beyond our reach, and have marveled about the possibility of extraterrestrial life. This was the same among Europe’s Celtic, Slavic, and Germanic peoples. Their legends of lost civilizations, sunken cities, and ancient alien and UFO encounters, including full-blown alien abduction accounts, endure till this day.
Lost Celtic Civilizations
From the Iron Age until the Roman conquests, a diverse collection of Celtic tribal societies flourished throughout Europe, leaving behind an extensive heritage encompassing mythology, archaeological sites, and art. Nevertheless, legends and hypotheses persist that propose the existence of vanished Celtic civilizations that have been relegated to obscurity.
The legend surrounding the fictitious island of Hy-Brasil, which is said to be located off the coast of Ireland, is one such tale. Hy-Brasil, a realm characterized by perpetual youth and plenty as depicted in numerous medieval texts, has enthralled explorers and adventurers throughout the centuries. Although definitive proof of its existence has yet to be discovered, conjecture exists whether it represented an erroneous account of actual geographical features or ancient Celtic settlements that have since been submerged.
Another captivating facet of Celtic mythology pertains to the notion of “otherworldly” domains, exemplified by the Irish Tir na núg and the Welsh legend of Annwn. Predicated on the idea that these enigmatic domains were inhabited by celestial bodies, spirits, and other unnatural entities, they were frequently portrayed as paradisiacal spheres inaccessible to mere mortals. Although these domains are predominantly spiritual, specific theories propose that they might have been motivated by ancient Celtic legends concerning remote territories or concealed societies.
Lost Slavic civilizations
The Slavic peoples, who inhabited extensive regions of Eastern Europe during the Middle Ages, are the subject of their fair share of enigmatic legends and myths concerning vanished civilizations. An illustrative instance pertains to the urban legend of Kitezh, which purportedly stood in the Russian wilderness. Folklore holds that Kitezh was a thriving metropolis revered and safeguarded by divine intervention; its industrious residents managed to evade destruction by submerging into Lake Svetloyar.
Comparable to other legends about submerged metropolises, including Atlantis, the account of Kitezh has sparked an abundance of expeditions and investigations in pursuit of its fabled remnants. Although definitive proof of Kitezh’s existence has not been established, the legend represents spiritual fortitude and optimism within Russian society.
Beyond the legends surrounding vanished cities, Slavic folklore is abundant with accounts of extraordinary encounters, such as those involving UFOs. These narratives frequently detail eerie celestial bodies or objects, accompanied by encounters with anthropomorphic figures or otherworldly beings. Skeptics ascribe these accounts to cultural superstitions or natural occurrences. In contrast, believers contend that they might serve as substantiation for extraterrestrial encounters or as proof of the existence of advanced civilizations that surpass our comprehension.
The Germanic Lost Civilizations
Among other Germanic nations, the Saxons, Goths, and Franks significantly influenced European history throughout antiquity and the early Middle Ages. However, similar to their Celtic and Slavic counterparts, they are also encircled by mythologies and legends concerning submerged cities and vanished civilizations.
A noteworthy instance is the legend surrounding Vineta, an imaginary metropolis purported to have been situated along the Baltic Sea coast of Germany. According to the legend, Vineta was an affluent and influential center of commerce that thrived in the early Middle Ages before being inundated by the sea as retribution for its inhabitants’ hubris and decadence. Although archaeological investigations have revealed indications of prehistoric settlements in the area, conclusive evidence regarding Vineta still needs to be discovered.
Alongside submerged urban centers, Germanic mythology is abundant with narratives detailing confrontations with preternatural entities and phenomena. Folklore from Norse, German, and Anglo-Saxon origins is replete with anecdotes concerning enigmatic lights, peculiar beings, and otherworldly terrains; this reflects a profound conviction regarding the existence of concealed realms and unnatural forces.
Submerged Cities and Vanished Civilizations
The notion of submerged metropolises and vanished civilizations captivates the interest of archaeologists, historians, and enthusiasts. Throughout history, civilizations have experienced periods of ascendancy and decline, resulting in the submersion or submersion of remnants of their presence. The revelation of past civilizations such as Machu Picchu, Pompeii, and Troy has generated conjecture regarding the existence of additional vanished civilizations that have yet to be discovered.
After developments in underwater archaeology in recent years, ancient ruins and submerged settlements have been unearthed across the globe. Prominent archaeological sites, including Thonis-Heracleion in Egypt, Pavlopetri in Greece, and Dwarka in India, have yielded significant knowledge regarding ancient civilizations’ urbanization and cultural interchange processes.
Furthermore, artists, writers, and filmmakers have been captivated by the notion of submerged cities and vanished civilizations, which has been the source of innumerable works of fiction and conjecture. The mystery and fascination that audiences worldwide continue to be captivated by, from Jules Verne’s “Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea” to James Cameron’s “Titanic,” remains rooted in the allure of submerged worlds.
UFO Encounters
For several decades, the topic of unidentified flying object (UFO) encounters has captivated audiences and sparked considerable debate. Skeptics ascribe UFO sightings to natural occurrences, misidentifications, or forgeries; on the other hand, believers contend that such sightings might serve as indications of advanced technology beyond our comprehension or extraterrestrial visits.
The nature of UFO sightings is highly variable, with accounts spanning from brief interceptions of peculiar celestial objects to confrontations with declared extraterrestrial craft. Several witnesses have provided accounts of their experiences with humanoid beings or extraterrestrial creatures and instances of time dilation and other peculiar phenomena.
Governments and military organizations across the globe have declassified and made public documents about UFO sightings and encounters in recent years. Although these documents frequently offer mundane explanations for reported phenomena, certain cases remain unexplained, fueling conspiracy theories and speculation regarding possible extraterrestrial contact and government cover-ups.
Ancient civilizations and vanished cities intersecting with UFOs introduce an additional stratum of intrigue to the phenomenon. Certain theorists postulate that ancient civilizations might have encountered UFOs or other forms of advanced technology, pastor-special beings, or the like. An alternative viewpoint posits that UFO sightings might be associated with archaeological sites or ancient monuments, citing parallels between UFO descriptions and representations of legendary beings or ancient deities.
In summary, the investigation into Aryan origins, the first Germans and vanished civilizations from the Celts, Slavic, and Germanic regions, submerged metropolises, and extraterrestrial encounters provides an intriguing insight into the convergence of mythology, archaeology, and conjectured history. Although numerous aspects of these narratives continue to be shrouded in obscurity and uncertainty, they stand as evidence of the insatiable human captivation with the unfamiliar and the potential existence of realms beyond our own. These stories, which originated in ancient folklore or contemporary eyewitness testimonies, continue to evoke awe, intrigue, and discussion throughout different cultures and periods.

Patrick Chouinard is a distinguished expert on European history and authority on the White race and its roots. He has a BA in Global History and European Studies and currently is seeking an MA in Ancient and Classical History. He has authored six books and is a regular contributor to notable publications such as Ancient American magazine, The Barnes Review, Renegade Tribune, and Nexus. His expertise spans various facets of European history, showcasing a deep understanding and commitment to disseminating historical knowledge.