I am far from the first writer or student of history to accomplish a new narrative for Aryan culture and history. The SS-Ahnenerbe is a perfect example of a group of Aryan individuals who were not satisfied by the narrative put forward then monopolized by the predominant Jewish media, and Jewish dominated academic system, that had existed during the Weimar Republic. Heinrich Himmler, managed from 1935-1945 to set a precedent for future investigators of ancient White origins. Innovative research is now demonstrating that what Ancient Aryan theorists have been saying now for over a century is true: the white race continues to be the central force of nature which creates and sustains all true civilizations, and the rejection of which can only lead to racial and societal collapse.
It was the Estonian-born Germanic ideologue and mystic Alfred Rosenberg, who wrote in The Myth of the Twentieth Century: “History and the task of the future no longer signify the struggle of class against class or the conflict between one church dogma and another, but the settlement between blood and blood, race and race, Folk and Folk. And that means: the struggle of spiritual values against each other . . . The myth is the myth of the Blood, which, under the sign of the Swastika, released the world revolution. It is the awakening of the soul of the race which, after a period of long slumber, victoriously put an end to racial chaos. However, the values of the racial soul, which stand as driving forces behind this new image of the world, have not yet become a living consciousness. Soul means race seen from within. And, conversely, race is the external side of a soul. To awaken the racial soul to life means to recognize its highest value and, under its dominance, to allot to other values their organic position in the state, in art and in religion. That is the task of our century: to create a new human type out of a new view of life. And, for this, courage is needed; courage of each single individual, courage of the entire generation growing up, indeed of many following generations. For chaos has never been mastered by those without courage, and a world has never been built by cowards. Whoever wishes to go forward, must therefore also burn bridges behind him. Whoever sets out on a great journey, must leave old household goods behind. Whoever strives for what is highest, must turn his back on what is lesser. Every race has its soul, and every soul its race. And to end all doubts and questions, the new man of the coming great German Reich knows only one answer: But I have the will!” (Rosenberg, 1930, pp.1-4.)
Thousands of years before the building of Stonehenge and the Great Pyramids of Giza, a lost White civilization was constructing massive stone temple complexes that baffle archaeologists even today. Some of them, made of solid granite, are only now being rediscovered and appearing in the archaeological record. These prehistoric man-made structures are far more advanced, and profoundly more ancient, than any of the other towering stone structures found strewn across the European and British country-sides and hidden far beneath European cities. They include ancient passage tombs and worship-centers like Newgrange, Avebury and Callanish. According to mainstream archaeologists, the long-lost megalithic cultures that inhabited ancient Ireland and Great Britain built these early Pre-Aryan megalithic sites dating to 6,000-8,500 B.C. The earliest site at Salisbury Plain in England, is “mega-henge”, one of the most massive megalithic centers of its kind, laid out as a series of eight-hundred buried standing stones surrounding Stonehenge and the nearby area. They have been date to being older than the earliest phases of Stonehenge, which is primarily a Late Neolithic structure built by ancient Britons, which were primarily farming communities.
In the 1920s, researcher Alfred Watkins discovered a network of landscape alignments linking numerous ancient sites, including churches, megaliths, and hilltops deemed to be of sacred significance to the ancient peoples of Britain and Europe. These alignments were connected using a system of straight lines, or tracks, he called “ley lines”. (Newman, 2018, pp,6) Author and researcher John Michell detected a specific system of alignments during the 1960s. He called these systems of ley-lines the St. Michael Line “because it plotted numerous sites dedicated to St. Michael, as well taking in ancient sites such as Avebury and Glastonbury Tor. Michell noticed it also aligned to Beltane *Mayday” sunrise and Samhain (Halloween) sunset.” (Newman, 2018, pp.6) Comparatively, there is the straight alignments that exist throughout Peru and Bolivia linked to the ancient Caucasian civilization-bringer known to the Inca as Viracocha, thus linking these lines to the Ancient Aryan phenomenon. In East Asia, the practitioners of Feng-Shui speak of “Dragon lines” which intersect their sacred sites linked to the Sun-gods which are described as having pale skin, golden hair, and blue-eyes. (Newman, 2018 pp.6) Australian aborigines speak of “song-lines” regarding their sacred sites. They link such sites to their distant ancestors in the Dreamtime. Such primal ancestors are thus depicted on cave paintings and various sacred sculptures still found throughout the Outback. They envision their ancestors as pale-skinned visitors or gods, with prominent noses and brow-ridges, and pointed chins, very much like a lost Caucasian race than a depiction of a gray-alien, as often cited. The reason being gray-aliens have no noses, no ears, or brow-ridges which these ancient depictions clearly do. Their ancient stories, also, clearly speak of ancient Caucasian visitors who came on boats from across the sea, which they describe as very advanced. (Newman, 2018, pp. 6)
The technology and material culture known as the Megalithic Civilization, which is the culture that initiated and utilized this system of “ley lines” as they are called, this author asserts began in what is now southeastern Europe. Josef Heinisch cited the presence of numerous ley-lines connecting sacred monuments, castles and ancient Aryan hillforts throughout his native Germany, including mysterious places connected with the proto-Celtic Hallstatt and Le Tene cultures. The oldest known standing stones in Europe, is the Armenian Stonehenge. Experts claim this system of standing stone was once aligned to specific constellations that have now been re-positioned in the night sky implying profound antiquity due to the procession. Archaeologist and Bosnian-born American businessman Semir Osmanagić has concluded that there are in fact the largest known pyramids in the entire world, in Bosnia and are now hidden under many feet of overgrowth, making them appear to be natural hill formations. Osmanagić notes that a great degree of erosion has also taken place. He has shown, though, what appear to be hidden shafts, like those in the Great Pyramid of Giza, within the largest of these structures, which he calls the Pyramid of the Sun.
As this culture spread westward from the Balkans, and then throughout ancient Europe, the development of a new Pre-Aryan white civilization was at hand throughout the continent. The pinnacle of such accomplishment, prior to this great expansion, is Göbekli Tepe which brought about cultural diffusion from its point of origin in Anatolia. Built by the European First Farmers, this is the oldest stone structure known to modern archaeology. The skills it took to build Gobekli Tepe, no doubt had diffused to the region of modern-day Serbia and Bosnia-Herzegovina by 9,000-7000 B.C. John Tiffany, former editor for The Barnes Review history magazine, noted that there is evidence that pottery and advanced building techniques were invented by Serbian whites in 17,500 B.C. making Europe home to the earliest advanced civilizations. According to Tiffany, many advanced engineering skills had been invented then forgotten, then re-invented many times over in the history of the white race. This is only mere speculation, and must be viewed with a critical mind, but if proven correct would be a significant fact of Europe’s cultural evolution, placing it far ahead of any known cultures anywhere in the world.
Located in southeastern Turkey, ancient white people erected Göbekli Tepe long before the temples and tombs of the Irish and British chieftains rose above the land. Göbekli Tepe was created on what one could be considered the eastern fringe of Europe. This sacred site dates to approximately 9,600 B.C.–11,000 B.C, coinciding with the destruction of the mythical Atlantis. Found among the vast ruins are massive carved stones, including two T-shaped pillars, some of them featuring generic, non-conventional anthropomorphic images that are quite astounding.
Also, surrounding these main megaliths, which tower some 5 meters high are several smaller stones facing inward. On the stones’ broadsides are elaborately carved motifs of foxes, lions, scorpions, and vultures (Curry 2008). There are also other petroglyphs which resemble some form of ancient script, if not of the most rudimentary kind. Yale Geologist Robert M. Schoch PhD speculates that certain carvings found on the pillars, and throughout the site, may be the earliest evidence of a basic writing system pre-dating Mesopotamian cuneiform writing by many thousands of years. I might mention Schoch is Jewish, and although he no doubt does impeccable research, one must take whatever he says with a fair dose of caution, as with most of his tribe they usually have a hidden agenda. Nevertheless, the age of Göbekli Tepe is contemporaneous with the end of the last ice age—the era of Atlantis, Osiris, and the Rama Empire. Thus, this places the age of the ancient stone temple to before 10,000 years ago. The late New Age author Philip Coppens acknowledges Gobekli Tepe’s extreme antiquity, “Five millennia separate us from the birth of ancient Egypt in c. 3100 B.C.E.
Add another five millennia and we are in 8100 B.C.E. coincidently the start of the Age of Cancer. Add another millennium and a half, and we have the date when Göbekli Tepe, in the highlands of Turkey near the Iraqi and Syrian borders, was constructed” (Coppens 2009a).
Göbekli Tepe dates to an era in human history that mainstream archaeologists claim preceded the invention of agriculture, the invention of pottery, the domestication of animals, and even the settlement of the first villages. Only the primeval Jomon culture, a primordial proto-white civilization that inhabited much of the Japanese islands, the Korean peninsula and northeastern China, was known to have displayed such sophistication. Modern European whites are linked to this primordial culture through the common ancestry of the North Eurasian hunter-gatherers, a link between Nordic Europeans, the indigenous population of Korea and Japan and Native Americans.
To this day, the non-linear evolution of human history remains speculative and the domain of Hindu, Druidic and Germanic Occult spirituality. However, the preponderance of evidence, such as that revealed by the scholar and writer Michael Cremo, author of the books Forbidden Archaeology and Human Devolution, continues to gain in momentum. His research claims that the many primordial hominid species whose fossils have been exhumed by paleoanthropologists, are not our ancestors, we descended from the gods, from a state of pure energy, and that these hominids are sub-humans and our ancestors, who devolved into base matter, shared the earth with them in a time long forgotten. Heinrich Himmler, chief of the SS during National Socialist Germany, had a similar notion.
In Magicians of the Gods (2014), Hancock noted that, “The problem at Göbekli Tepe is the pristine, sudden appearance, like Athena springing full-grown and fully armed from the brow of Zeus, of what appears to be an already seasoned civilization so accomplished that it “invents” both agriculture and monumental architecture at the apparent moment of its birth.” (Hancock, 2014, Kindle Edition) That indeed is the amazing challenge that every visitor to this ancient structure must and will face. What came before? On that question, mainstream archaeologists remained stumped. They know it opens too many questions, a pandora’s box from which all the tormented doubts of alternative archaeology stare them straight in the face. We are closer to proving that a lost Aryan civilization, perhaps remarkably like Plato’s Atlantis, was a reality, and that two centuries of academic denial is finally ending. Not only was there an Atlantis, but it was an ancient white civilization.
Göbekli Tepe was the site of annual worship and sacrifices to the ancient proto-Nordic gods of the hunt and of nature. There is also the apparent fact of its architectural sophistication and alignment with advanced archeoastronomy. Göbekli Tepe, with its various bas reliefs of animalistic forms, reminds us, not all the gods were sky-beings. This is a fact ancient astronaut theorists cannot wrap their thick heads around, and why I believe they are selling our people short in this respect. Many of our ancient Aryan deities, indeed the gods of most of the ancient world, were merely animistic, coming in the form of animals, trees, rivers, streams and as the forces of nature hiding in the rocks and mountains, not the sky. Some were known simply as hearth-gods; these were gods of the fireplace, the warmth, and cold-winter nights. In fact, such deities make-up our earliest references to gods and the supernatural. This poses a clear objection to the misconception, forwarded by the so-called Ancient
Astronaut Theorists that all gods, like those of the Abrahamic faiths, have a resting place among the heavens. In the pre-Christian world was simply not the case. The gods have many dwelling places. This has a total misunderstanding of ancient cultural schemas and the beliefs and ancient folkways of our white European ancestors. Just like our reconnection with nature and the religion of our pagan ancestors forced us to reevaluate our Aryan past, this temple’s discovery is slowly changing the conventional view held on to for so many years by mainstream academics, that civilization began no earlier than 3500 B.C. with the development of the ancient Sumerian culture. Scholars had always been skeptical of any claims to the contrary, even when such evidence was compelling. Now this attitude seems to be changing.
Ian Hodder, head of Stanford’s archaeological program, voiced the following with pure shock: “Göbekli Tepe is unbelievably big and amazing, at a ridiculously early date . . . huge great stones and fantastic, highly refined art. . . . Many people think that it changes everything. . .It overturns the whole apple cart. All our theories were wrong” (Collins 2010, Kindle Edition).
Göbekli Tepe is without question a major game changer, in our understanding of the earliest Aryan peoples. Clearly, Göbekli Tepe was not made in a vacuum of material culture. There must have already been advanced cultures on Earth, that established the technology to geometrically design, carve, move, and then erect these massive megaliths. Despite these transparent facts, far-left academics still consider ancient Europe to be the backwaters of civilization, not the focus. Aside for archaeology, geneticist have opened a window to a world in which Europe alone wasn’t the only place of habitation for the ancient White race.
The lost city of Cayonu is located ninety-six kilometers from Göbekli Tepe and is just as mysterious. Cayonu is younger than Göbekli Tepe, dating to 7500–6600 BCE, roughly the time when the first earthen embankment at Stonehenge was created. Following the construction of Cayuonu, Çatal Höyük was built along similar lines but contained some innovations, making it (Çatal Höyük) the ultimate evolution in that order of constructions.
When excavated, Cayonu was littered with human skulls and bone fragments. Experts discovered the residue of human blood on some of the skulls. Additional artifacts, such as obsidian blades and artwork with graphic depictions, suggest that the site may have been used for human sacrifice. These sites would not have been available for our study, if not for the builders of Göbekli Tepe; it was their daring and insight that developed the technology and economic system that made these structures possible. Clearly, recent archaeology has pushed the date for the emergence of the first cities to a much earlier date. Jericho’s discovery marked the first blow against the accepted world paradigm. It proved that the civilization of the Aryan race, our white human community, is far older than previously thought. This development was further solidified by the discovery of another Turkish ruin, Çatal Höyük, in 1958 by British archaeologist James Mellaart.
In 2016, a joint team from Osaka University and the Institute of History and Archeology of the Mongolian Academy of Sciences discovered an 8th-century Turkic monument in eastern Mongolia. The structure (referred to as Dongoin shiree) featured “Turkic runic inscriptions,” the largest Turkic symbols ever found in Mongolia, inscribed on a series of 14 stone pillars, surrounding a massive platformed structure. Since its announcement, it has earned much attention by the world press. This has prompted some independent researchers to speculate on whether there is a connection between the builders of this structure and the former populations that existed in Chinese Turkestan such as we see represented among the Tarim, or Caucasian mummies of nearby western China. There is no doubt some similarities in the shape of the primitive wooden posts with those found in the burial sites of the Tarim mummies and those of the 14 stone pillars featured around the platform. The inscriptions on the Turkic monument clearly were of non-Aryan and non-European origin, however. Racially, the Mongols and the Mongol kingdoms had Indo-European-speaking tribes of Caucasian racial background among their ranks all the way up to modern times. These Mongolian tribes spoke a Turkic language but were racially and culturally very diverse. Again, the standard rule of thumb in archeology must be remembered: Culture and language is not the same as the biological reality of race. There were many groups peoples within the Turkic sphere of influence, who spoke Turkic and engaged Turkic cultural practices, but who were full-blown Aryans who also had their own language and cultural schemas.
The great Salbyk Kurgan is one of the most majestic and mysterious ancient monuments of southern Siberia. The megalith-ringed mound is in the Valley of the Kings, in the Minusinsk Basin. Here, several thousand years ago, there was the Tagar culture, where bones of the leaders, over six or even seven feet tall, were found.
The study of DNA in analyzing the past is vital to the study of the development and migration of peoples. DNA testing of both modern and ancient samples taken from sites ranging from Siberia to Southeast Asia demonstrated the strong presence of distinctive Caucasoid haplogroups in East Asian DNA. According to the re-discoverer of the Tarim mummies, Dr. Victor Mair, the once predominant race in Central Asia, prior to 3500 B.C., was not the typical East Asian type, but individuals that resemble a more Nordic, Indo-European form of mankind entirely.
One of the well-known discoveries of these ancient white populations is from ancient Chinese Turkestan, the Tokharian mummies of Central Asia, an ancient race of conquerors who were blond-haired, blue-eyed and were well over 6 ft. tall as their ancient and perfectly preserved mummified remains clearly indicate.
The cultures in Chinese Turkestan were clearly of Aryan origin. The reality of such monuments, as the one found recently in Mongolia can easily be attributed to Aryan not Asiatic origins, or at least partially so. The dominant population in Mongolia, western China and the rest of Central Asia was the white race in ancient times. Therefore, even in the 8th century, those genetic qualities still must have played a significant role in the kind of people that were the builders of the monument. It is now clear that a new historical conclusion must be made regarding our Aryan past. There must have been a primordial “mother culture” which handed down the knowledge of civilization to our remote ancestors. Indeed, in addition to the remoteness of human origins, evidence is now showing that many of the geographical regions we now identify with non-Aryan cultures were, many centuries ago, home to advanced white civilizations.
The Ancient Aryan Question is one of the most important, misunderstood, and neglected set of issues in modern-day scholarship. Nevertheless, its importance as one of the key factors of human civilization remain. The vast amount of evidence that currently exists that is suggestive of Aryan domination in the ancient world and in remote antiquity is abundant. The great accomplishments of the ancient world, and the reality of a lost white civilization in remote antiquity, go far beyond mere speculation. The evidence is all around us. These primordial people, whom we call the Aryans, could have been the forefathers of Egyptians, or the Olmec, or the Maya. We, as a race, are still struggling today to restore our power and dominance, and it is through understanding our complicated history and prehistory that we will be able to survive the challenges we face today.
Victor Mair is one of the key authorities regarding the Caucasians mummies of China. He writes in a syndicated article dated 1998:
“There may be instances in world history where a dominant or highly influential elite who were few in number but were nonetheless able to impose their language on a subject population. (I suspect that could have happened where the conquered population was also small in number and ravaged by war, disease, and the like. But then, would they have survived at all?). North India, Pakistan and Afghanistan 3500 years ago have been suggested as examples of such a scenario, with a relatively small number of Aryan warriors supposedly being able to impose Indic languages upon the native population. In light of the above discussion, I find this to be an unconvincing explanation of how IE languages entered the subcontinent. The fact that a significant portion of the population in these countries possesses blue eyes, fair skin, and brown or even blond hair (where the environment makes these traits which are more suited to northern latitudes disadvantageous from the standpoint of survival) would seem to indicate that sizeable numbers if IE speakers actually did intrude upon the subcontinent and have left not only their linguistic but their genetic imprint upon it as well.” (Mair, 1998, pp.14-15)
Already, in 1974, archaeologists had unearthed the vast tomb of China’s first emperor, featuring an entire army of terracotta soldiers individually cast and ornamented as if posed to follow the emperor into the afterlife. While the terracotta soldiers merely affirmed Chinese assumptions about their own origins, another discovery dating back to the first years of the 20th century, and eventually rediscovered nearly 100 years later, would prove damaging to the Chinese world view. In 1988, in a back room of an old museum, Professor Victor H. Mair of Pennsylvania University stumbled upon one of the greatest Chinese archeological discoveries of all time: Caucasian mummies. Scattered across the desert sands of the Tarim Basin in present-day Xinjiang were mummies so different from the standard East Asian population that they indicated a history spurred on by visitors from the West. Indeed, the Chinese described in ancient legends the birth of the world as being formed through the body of the giant being, Pan’ Ku, who was described as having long blond hair which covered most of his body. This legend mirrors ancient European myths such as that of both Germanic and Keltic tribes.
The fact that it was ancient Aryans who brought the Chinese the wheel, the domesticated horse, even iron weapons, the Chinese have preserved in their mythology as a racial memory of past events. According to Chinese myth, the East Asian Sun gods built some their most ancient pyramids, including those near Mongolia and the Tarim Basin. This is near where archaeologists found the Caucasian mummies of China. Indeed, Chinese depicted their sun gods as being tall, blond, and blue-eyed, with a light, ruddy complexion. The word Aryan means noble. The ancient Sanskrit writings of India described the Aryans as the shining ones given their birthright from the power of the Sun. The same Sanskrit writings described these gods as having blonde hair.
We know, from both the Hindu Vedas and ancient Zoroastrian texts from Persia, that a northern race of powerful warriors invaded the areas of present Iran, northern India, Pakistan, and Afghanistan around 3500 B.C. and established an empire known as Aryas. Over three hundred words in the Indo-European languages are derived from these people, including the name Iran. Archeologists of the 19th century referred to the Aryans as Indo-European or Indo-Germanic tribes. However, in Hinduism and in Iran the term Aryan means “noble,” and pitted against the forces of darkness, referred to as the “dark ones”, these ancient peoples were often called the shining ones, and also “those of venerable parentage” another term for the word Aryan.
The ancient symbol of the Aryan was the swastika. But where and when did the ancient Aryans start using this significant religious symbol? The name Swastika comes from a Sanskrit word meaning “mark of good fortune.” Hindu legend says that civilization dates to an incredibly distant time, hundreds of thousands, if not millions of years, and that the ancestors of the Aryans were blond, oftentimes bearded, light-skinned people led by their Lord Indra. The earliest record of the swastika in India dates to the Indus Valley civilization around 3500 B.C. This period coincides with the revised chronology for the Aryan invasion theory.
Recently, archaeologists discovered the Danubian civilization, an even more ancient European culture, which dates roughly to 5,000 years B.C., about the time a huge freshwater lake north of the Bosporus flooded from water pouring in from the Mediterranean that transformed it into the Black Sea. This body of water increased greatly in size and submerged hundreds of square miles of dry land. It is from this great inundation that may have led to our myths of a great flood and the story of Atlantis.
In Bulgaria, archaeologists discovered a pottery shard from the Danubian civilization dating to 5300 B.C. that bore the sign of the swastika. In Kyiv’s Natural History Museum, an ivory sculpture made from mammoth tusks dating back to the Paleolithic era (Old Stone Age), some 25,000 years ago, also bears this symbol. The idea that a group of Europeans known as the Solutreans migrated across the northern iceshelf to North America 6,000 years before the Mongoloids arrived in 18,000 B.C. might indicate why American Indians, including the Mayas and Aztecs, also use swastikas in their art. Also, in Tibetan myth, Agni, the god of fire and creation, used the symbol of the Sun, a swastika, as the tool of creation, known as the fire-whisk. The swastika is the eternal symbol of the Aryans, of the Sun and creation and is also the symbol of the Chinese Sun gods.
His father having taken a white woman as one of his mates, his descendant Kublai Khan had red hair, green eyes, and freckles. The Communist Chinese have long denied the existence of these immense pyramids in Xian province. According to myth, the legendary Chinese Sun gods built these pyramids. The Han Chinese described them as powerful white men with blond hair, blue-eyes, and pale, ghostlike skin. The Chinese were thus aware of the fact these great architects were the builders of their pyramids linking the same solar deities to the origin of their civilization. To the Chinese this was scandalous and negative to their public image.
The growing presence of ancient Aryan artifacts and ruins in East Asia are overwhelming. There is a huge, submerged pyramid in the East China Sea known as “Iseki Point” or also known simply as the Yonaguni monument. These unknown and mysterious East Asian peoples built this ceremonial structure like Assyrian ziggurats, or the stepped-pyramids of Saqqara in ancient Egypt. Both the Assyrian and Egyptian Empires were, despite the claims to the contrary, Aryan nations in all probability. Without a doubt, ancient Aryan lore and customary culture graced Japanese art and society with a rich mythological heritage. This happened if only through cultural diffusion originating from India, Tibet, and China. In A.D. 712 this wealth of myth and legend culminated in the first written chronicle of Japan, known as the Kojiki. Many stories in this manuscript told of horrendous earthquakes and conflagrations. There were entire ages when the gods ruled the world. During this mythical age of gods and empires, the Jomon were the dominant race of the Japanese islands. This was an ancient proto-white race that dominated much of the region in remote antiquity.
The modern legacy of Japan’s underwater ruins dates to 1987. On a clear and windy spring day, dive-master Kihachiro Aratake headed out to explore. Shortly after entering the sapphire blue water of the East China Sea, he began searching for unique formations that would prove interesting. Suddenly, a great enigma confronted Aratake. The huge underwater pyramid of Yonaguni, now known throughout the world, came into clear view. Aratake’s initial discovery was 73 meters long, 27 meters wide, and 14 meters high (Joseph 2005, 172–77). But this wasn’t the only relevant discovery. Additional sites were also located from the small island of Yonaguni in the southwest, to Okinawa and a considerable swath of the surrounding territories. Two of these locations were Kerama and Aguni, approximately 500 kilometers away.
Graham Hancock had an opportunity to investigate these locations early on in his scuba-diving career. As Hancock reports, for a few years the divers at the island of Aka, in the Kerama group some 40 kilometers west of Okinawa, have talked about a series of submerged stone circles at a depth of some 30 meters. Other structures very close by show evidence of being cut and worked by human hands. The preeminent structure at Kerama is the “Central Circle.” Resting at an approximate depth of 27 meters, it has a diameter of 20 meters. Other features include the “Small Center Circle” and the “Stone Circle,” the latter of which has an enormous diameter of about 150 meters (Hancock 2002, 10).
Off Aguni Island, they’ve discovered what appear to be stone shafts built by human hands. Hancock writes: “As they are lined with small blocks, there is little doubt that these shafts are man-made. The largest and deepest has a diameter of 3 meters and reached a maximum depth (below the summit of the sea-mount) of about 10 meters. Others are typically 2 to 3 meters in diameter with a depth of less than 7 meters. A few are narrower and shallower. One has a subsidiary chamber cut sideways into the wall of the main shaft” (Hancock 2002, 10).
In 1996, Ken Shindo, a local Okinawan dive-master, told Graham Hancock a fascinating story of an anomalous underwater structure near the tiny fishing community of Yonaguni, Japan, the southernmost island of the Japanese chain. Shindo explained that he had been working with Professor Masaaki Kimura, a marine seismologist of the University of the Rykyus. He outlined several basic points regarding direct human intervention in the formation of the site. These include “traces of marks that show that human beings worked the stone. There are holes made by wedge-like tools called kusabi in many locations” (Hancock 2002, 597).
The structure is continuous from under the water to land, and evidence of the use of fire is present. Stone tools are among the artifacts found underwater and on land. Some tablets with carving that appears to be letters of symbols, such as what we know as the plus mark “+” and a “V” shape, were retrieved from under the water” (Hancock 2002, 598). These findings exist amid a cultural and mythological backdrop that seems vast, imposing, and incalculable. Yet, the great achievements of East Asian peoples of Caucasian origin are clearly visible when one considers recent developments in archaeology and the study of human genetics.
In the journal Molecular Biology and Evolution, Chinese geneticists made a startling revelation. According to the journal, ancestral populations in China “showed greater genetic similarity to present-day European populations” while the majority of modern Chinese “showed greater similarity to east Asian populations”. So, the Chinese of today would contrast drastically with those of 9,000 years ago. As the Mongoloids increased in numbers, their migrations displaced the native white Chinese population, pushing them across the continent into Russia and Europe. Chinese authorities and the liberal and Marxist establishment in Europe and the United States continue to deny these facts. As the Aryan inhabitants of India broke with the demands of their rigid caste system and began interbreeding with the lower, dark-skinned members of their society, they began to loose touch with the cultural, spiritual and moral superiority of their Aryan society, their people became submerged in a swarthy-skinned backward population, very different than the one that existed.
In the book Race Problems and Human Progress (1967) Professor Wesley Critz George writes: “Throughout the thousands of years during which the difference branches of the Caucasian race were developing the civilizations of Egypt, Sumeria, Assyria, Chaldea, Babylon, Persia, India, Palestine, Phoenicia, Carthage, Greece, Rome, Modern Europe, America—throughout all these thousands of years the Negroes in Africa have not developed beyond food gatherers and a hoe agriculture.” (George, 1967, pp. 15) It is true there is a smattering of advanced culture in Ethiopia, the Eastern coast of Africa, in Great Zimbabwe and in Mali and Western Africa, but these accomplishments rest on the hell of cultural diffusion from early white peoples and in forgotten white migrations. The native Dravidians of India are no exception, cultureless and raceless, beyond the ability to think and determine logical courses of action in the most mundane of circumstances, while typical Aryans from Europe do. If all the white people in the United States and Canada were to disappear tomorrow these two countries would go “straight to hell”, so to speak. This has already been the case in South Africa.
A.C. Haddon, in his classic work, The Wanderings of Peoples, affirmed that a strong Indo-European presence influenced ancient China during the Neolithic Age and Bronze Age. Colin Renfrew, one of the preeminent Indo-Europeanists, suggested that, linguistically, the inhabitants of the Tarim Basin developed from an early group of Pre-Proto-Indo-Europeans that emerged from Anatolia in 10,000 B.C. The steppe migration theory, however, and very recently, has been established as the main, accepted and proven theory of the origin of the Indo-European language, religion and culture in South Asia, Iran and Europe in ancient times. Renfrew in 2019, has pretty much accepted defeat in this regard.
Indeed, Kangxin had stated much earlier in the process of the research of the Caucasian mummies and the whites of ancient China, that he believed that these people were a divergent population related to the Cro-Magnon, although others disagree. Some share the opinion that it was these ancient European races, rather than the Asiatic ones, which led to the establishment of early Chinese civilization. It is evident that there was an ethnic migration of Tocharians from ancient Iran, and possible Proto-Kelts from Central Europe during a time in which the Proto-Keltic group known as the Urnfield culture, which was not related to any one specific ethnic or linguistic group, dominated Europe. There were some standard cultural, religious, and genetic similarities which nonetheless existed between the various peoples that shared this ancient material culture. One could find such traits in many of the Proto-Keltic, Germanic, and Slavic peoples of the period. These same traits are to be found in the ruins of Urnfield communities in later times as well. This is also apparent in archaeological remains from the lower Danubian basin, through Caucasia, Russia, and the Pontic Steppe, reaching the borders of China in 800 B.C. In 1951, the German archaeologist Robert Heine-Geldern showed similarities of metallurgy in Europe and China around the same period. (Deavin, 1998) In regard to this, Heine-Geldern made the following commentary: “The early swords of China (9th and 8th centuries BCE), several daggers of the Dongson culture of northeastern Indo-China, as well as various Far Eastern designs correspond closely to those of the fifth period of the Bronze Age of Northern Europe. This can only be due to the participation in the eastward migration of a group of those Scandinavians who, as Tallgren (1911:169-183; 1937:30-41) has shown, settled on the Volga around 800 BCE They very conspicuous elements of the Hallstatt culture in the Far East would seem to correspond to the relation between the Tocharian and Illyrian languages which Sapir thought to have existed.” (Heine-Geldern, 1951: 242-245, 251-252; Schuster 1955; Kunst 1960).
Heine-Geldern also compared socketed battle-axes and spearheads used in abundance in early China to those of Hallstatt and the Indo-European homeland, indicating nomadic Indo-Europeans brought their material culture to the early Chinese some 3,000 years prior. (Deavin, 1998) Although historians consider it only speculative at the point—possibly the product of an over-imagination—he also claimed that Indo-European invaders created the first Chinese Empire credited to Chi’n Shih Huang Ti in 221 B.C. From a broader perspective, however, many of the facts we have already discussed fits well into this new historical model.
In this scholar’s opinion, archaeologists linking the birth of Chinese civilization to the presence of the ancient Aryans may not be far from correct. (Deavin 1998) However, many of the disputed theories of the past, have been exonerated in recent archaeological history. David W. Anthony also linked these Indo-European migration patterns to the invention of wheeled wagons. (Deavin, 1998) Caucasians from Central Asia like the Andronovo and Afanasievo cultures used his technology to great effectiveness during their expansion eastward. It was the latter, Anthony believed, which was the race that proved a direct link to the Caucasians of the Tarim Basin. Tom Rowsell of the YouTube channel “Survive the Jive” agrees with Anthony. Rowsell cites Anthony and his conclusions in the video “The White Mummies of China.”
Anthony writes: “Mallory and Mair have argued at book length that the Afanasievo migration detached the Tocharian branch from the original Proto-Indo-European.” For Anthony the Caucasian Mummies of China are the earliest representatives of this ancient order of whites. Anthony continues: “A material bridge between the Afanasievo culture and the Tarim Basin peoples could be represented by the long-known but recently famous Late Bronze Age Europoid ‘mummies,’” that are found throughout “the northern Taklamakan Desert, the oldest of which are dated 1800-1200 B.C.” Concludes Anthony, “If Mallory and Mair were right, as seems likely, late Afanasievo pastrolists were among the first to take their herds from the Altai southward into the Tien Shan; and after 2000 B.C, their descendants crossed the Tien Shan into the northern oases of the Tarim Basin.” (Anthony, 2007, Kindle Edition) This author maintains, however, that much earlier representatives of the white race existed in East and Central Asia, long before the existence of the Tocharians or even this particular collection of mummies. Paramount in this evolutionary migration, is the utilization and proficiency in the domesticated horse, and then the wagon and, finally, the chariot. These technologies allowed these early Aryans, just recovering from the onslaught of the Great Flood, to descend from the earlier and confined territories in Central Asia, to dominate most of the first white civilizations only then in their first stage of emergence.
Like their Tocharian predecessors, later Eurasian nomads such as the Alans, Huns and Tartars of the Golden Horde or the Mongols also perfected the use of the horse as an innovation of culture and warfare. “Horses played a prominent role in the economy of the Huns. Although our authorities do not mention that the Huns ate horse meat—perhaps because this went without saying—they certainly did, like the Scythians, Sarmatians, and other steppe people.” (Maenchen-Helfen, 220) Records also say that the “Huns, too, drank the blood of their horses.” (Maenchen-Helfen, 220) The Roman writer Ammianus commented that while undergoing negotiations with the Romans, the leaders of the Huns remained mounted on their horses. (Maenchen-Helfen, 203) These later cultures also cast light on the development of wheeled-wagons, in reverse fashion:
On their migration to the Don and then from the Don to the Danube, the Huns probably transported their old people, women, and children in wagons. Toy wagons found in Kerch show what the wagons of the later Sarmatians looked like. Some have pyramidal towers, doubtless movable tents, others are heavy four-wheeled vehicles. The wagons of the Huns must have been like the toy wagons from Panticapaeum. (Maenchen-Helfen, 219–20)
Extensive excavations in southern Russia and Kazakhstan have revealed 5,000-year-old burial mounds containing traces of numerous wagon wheels. (Deavin, 1998) Not only were such artifacts found in Eastern Europe, but also in the Gobi Desert that lies on the northeastern border with the Tarim Basin. (Deavin, 1998) It is now accepted by almost all 21st century archaeologists that the birthplace of mounted culture was in the Ukraine, entirely discrediting earlier assertions to the contrary that identified horse-riding and the chariot as originating in China or the Middle East. These mummies are a link to not only the human past, but also to the evolution of Chinese and Eastern culture, just as much as that of Western culture. It is not the story of one culture overtaking the next, but rather an East-West synthesis. Regardless of invasion, colonization and total oppression, the mere contact of two distinct peoples can have ramifications beyond imagination.
In addition to the mummies’ distinctive European appearance, subsequent DNA testing proved they were of Caucasian origin. As many more corpses became unearthed, it became evident that the original inhabitants of the region, far from being Mongoloid, were actually the descendants of a once-dominant Caucasian population. A number of later samplings indicated that not only do these bodies have a direct genetic link to Western Europe, and even the Pontic Steppe around the Black Sea, but they also show traces of inbreeding from other tribes ranging from Mesopotamia, the Eastern Mediterranean and India. Indeed, the Tarim Basin could be considered a major thoroughfare for many of Eurasia’s Caucasoid peoples. But most importantly, it lays down the foundations of another argument this author wishes to make in future chapters. These findings indicate a genetic population far older than even the Mesopotamian or Bactrian cultures, and far older than the European or Indian cultures. Indeed, they are a possible link to a once-dominant Caucasian population that, at one time, inhabited much of the earth. Considering these revelations to be true, the history of East Asia and the world now had to be re-written.
Knowledge of our Ancient Aryan heritage brings us to a profound realization. The history of our people is indicative of our racial superiority. This gives us no reason, when faced with the erroneous claims of the Jews and other enemies, to downplay our role in history, and to deny that superiority or, in other terms, that inherent white supremacy of other peoples of this earth. Evolution has selected us for a position on the apex of that social hierarchy, not the Jews, Negroes or anyone else. This position has been reserved for one people, and one people only, the white Aryan race.

Patrick Chouinard is a distinguished expert on European history and authority on the White race and its roots. He has a BA in Global History and European Studies and currently is seeking an MA in Ancient and Classical History. He has authored six books and is a regular contributor to notable publications such as Ancient American magazine, The Barnes Review, Renegade Tribune, and Nexus. His expertise spans various facets of European history, showcasing a deep understanding and commitment to disseminating historical knowledge.